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WEEK 9-10 S2: Cemetery of Consumerism Collage

The Cemetery of Consumerism is to be a provocative space, where people are overwhelmed by seeing the excess of broken or unutilised objects, before they are given a new breath of life, mended and circulated around Oxford and the surrounding areas. I have struggled to model the space in a way that justifies my current thinking, and I will be developing a way of representing the clutter yet also showing the design intention of this space. The image below is a precedent of a library space, where there's a massive display of books spanning several floors. It depicts a taste of the sense of awe that I would like the cemetery of consumerism space to display.

At the minute, the image below shows a 'clean' rendered view of the cemetery of consumerism. This design will be developed as there needs to be a conveyor belt system connecting to the building as well as moving robots that connect to it. However, I used this render as a tool to develop the collage below which depicts how I would like the space to feel.

Current design of the cemetery of consumerism

The collage below shows the cemetery of consumerism, and how people can view and engage with the space, as well as also seeing the structure of the building around. The edges show more of the display of objects.

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