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WEEK 8 - Obsession: 'Öppet Hus' The Open House

Öppet Hus (Swedish) - Noun: 'Även privatpersoner kan arrangera öppet hus, vid till exempel jämna födelsdagar. Då tillåts de som känner...

WEEK 8: Obsession - Unused Clothes

I have had a whole suitcase of clothes up in my loft that I have not sorted through since moving into my place in the summer. This must...

WEEK 8: Obsession - Utilising Items

Over the past week I decided to obsess over utilising a particular item, service or space a day. This started with utilising a service on...

WEEK 8: Sharing - Testing out PickMeUp

This week, we needed to do a big grocery shop in preparation for Saturday but also just for general house items. We don't have a car, so...

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© 2018 by Wongani Mwanza

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