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DS1 Design Studio Blog

Architectural design blog as part of

DS1 MArchD 2018-19

This blog is a collection of work completed, including drawings, videos, sketches and general notes on architecture & sharing by Wongani {TazaMwanza}

Statement of

Academic Intent

Open-minded, ‘The Sharing Economy’:

During the year I would like to take an open-minded approach towards learning. I’m always willing to listen and consider theoretical and philosophical concepts that may go against my current train of thought. In light of this, I want to critically consider the sharing economy, looking at both the positive and negative aspects of it in order to develop my own theory around the topic that will be expressed architecturally.


Rethinking Modernism:

Through research, I aim to develop a theoretical approach towards architecture through rethinking modernism, along with subsequent movements. Each week I aim to research modernism through architects and designers and their influential work, as well as critique and understand their principles in order to analyse, judge and expand my library of knowledge.


Design Implementation:

I believe that furthering my sketching skills, and a method of thinking through making, note-taking and experimentation this year will enable me to design well. I agree with the notion of architecture as a ‘physical manifestation of social interactions’ and I would like to create designs that embody this, through researching the sociology of architecture and human interactions as well as observing how space is occupied, used and considered.


I aim to be challenged in developing my architectural representation skills, especially through understanding programmes such as Rhino, Revit, 3DS Max After Effects and other modelling and editing software programmes, in view that this may aid in developing my technological skills.



By the end of the year, I hope that I can maintain the same design ethos from concept sketches through to detailed design, and to be able to coherently link each stage of the design process. My completed projects should be understandable through the research, and strong visual representations from beginning to end with little additional verbal explanation.



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© 2018 by Wongani Mwanza

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