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WEEK 9-10 S2: Floor Plans & Activity

The building will be a place for many activities:

  • Social space

  • Workshops

  • Fixing

  • Meeting place

  • Playground

  • Educational space

Fitting all of this in plan will be a complex process, which I'm sure will require plenty of iterations. However, it is a challenge that I will have to overcome in order to create a successful scheme and design system. Below are some diagrams which illustrate a possibility of how activities can be placed within the floor plan and using the grid from building 30:

Building 30 (below) is the main building that I developed the grid system from. It currently has a main structural grid of 20120 x 22500. This grid is what has defined some of the spaces that I have illustrated in the diagram. I completed this exercise in order to understand the scale of the site.

The plan below illustrates how the building would be without any punctured spaces into the structure. I have realised the building is too large to not have any breakout spaces or quick access routes to the outside. There would be plenty of issues regarding daylight and it would be too cluttered. Therefore, in the next iteration, I would like to come up with a design methodology to break up the workshop spaces, interaction spaces and the outdoors. After tutorial feedback, I have also decided that the greenery spaces I have provided are inadequate, and they need to be more explicit in fulfilling the building's requirements of redefining workshop spaces.

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