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WEEK 8: Obsession - Utilising Items

Over the past week I decided to obsess over utilising a particular item, service or space a day. This started with utilising a service on Wednesday, which was PickMeUp (written in my previous blog) followed by utlising an unused sketchbook with unused materials, my home through the 'Öppet hus' (Open House), fixing my watch and finally utilising all the data that people have on their mobile phones to be represented through a digital cityscape. It was a feat to take on all these tasks, and some of them are incomplete, but I have attempted to cover ground in as many areas as possible. I will upload images of the sketchbook and also the video of my watch at a later time in the week (the watch video keeps intermittently crashing my laptop, and the scans will take some time...)

However, below is a video taken from the Öppet Hus day before the other blogs are published in full:

Video created using Adobe Premiere Pro, music featured is Duoro from Filmstro.

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