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WEEK 9: Spatial Arrangement for Open House & Declutter Jenga

Updated: Jan 9, 2019

Spatial Arrangement


Our open house event was hosted in our living room. Considering the fact that we did not know how many people would come to our house, we laid out the room in a way which allowed for an open space in the centre of the room, and seating around the perimeter. Food was laid out on the dining table and the coffee table for guests to be able to easily access them. It was interesting to observe how the space changed within the room over time, especially as different guests came. At certain points there were little 'hubs' of conversations around the room, with 4-5 of them happening at once and each at different corners of the room. At other points the living room turned into a playground when neighbours' and friends' children played together on the floor, with adult guests joining in as well. And towards the end of the evening, everyone congregated around the coffee table in the living room, creating a circle around the home. In this video below I have illustrated the movements of the furniture before guests have arrived, the movements of guests when they are in the home and also the furniture:

Declutter Jenga Breakdown


After playing Declutter Jenga both at the Open House and also in the studio during tutorials, I broke down all of the information for each of the items that are listed in the game. The full PDF of the breakdown can be found here. Interestingly when looking at the data, just as many items are described as 'sparking joy' as those that do not spark joy. I would like to extrapolate this data and research further to investigate how we might question our items further in the process of decluttering and also our willingness to share objects.

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