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WEEK 11: Perspectives within the Space

Updated: May 1, 2019

This week I am developing the design of the neighbourhood space (to be named...) to begin designing from the inside out and to inspire the creative process of how the building may be inhabited. As I do believe the architecture of the building is primarily focused on the activities that are undergone within the space. The six different activities that I would like the building to facilitate are:

  1. Create

  2. Share

  3. Repair

  4. Play

  5. Learn

  6. Interact



The space will facilitate an opportunity for people to create. To promote the idea of utilising all your objects, there will be space for people to learn how to craft items out of their neglected or underused items. This could be sewing, for example, in the image below. In this scenario, John & Najeeb are working together to sew some items of clothing together to create a new garment and a new throw from items of clothing that they originally would have thrown away. John took up textiles as a hobby when retiring, and when he met Najeeb at the street summer barbeque, they got talking and decided that it would be a great idea to try and create some new clothes together. And so one evening, after Najeeb finished work, they begin creating:



The space will facilitate an opportunity for people to share. To promote the idea of utilising all your objects in the day to day, there will be space for people to store and share their items that they would otherwise not use or would use infrequently. Sophie and Max are exchanging their items after grabbing them from the shared space. Sophie sent a message asking if anyone had a storage unit that they could lend to her in her house, Max just so happened to have one, as when his new housemate moved in, he had a larger one, and Max no longer needed it, so he stored it in the community space. When he met up with Sophie in the space, he was talking about how he needed to water his garden and clean his car, but was annoyed that he didn't have a hose piper. Sophie said "No problem, I can bring mine", so they began the exchange (with Jude sipping a cup of coffee in the background):



The space will facilitate an opportunity for people to repair. To promote the idea of utilising all your neglected objects, there will be space for people to run workshops on how to repair broken items. Margaret used to work in a Nescafé coffee machine factory in her prime, and she has very good repair skills, as well as a collection of spare parts which they store within the community space. She let residents in the neighbourhood know about the possibility of running a workshop on how to repair Nescafé coffee machines. Pablo sits watching Margaret as she instructs Tiffany on how to fix the water dispenser part of the machine. Josiah looks confused as he is trying to figure out a part, but is also a determined man who does not like asking for help and still keeps a distance (until Margaret spots his difficulties...):



Other perspectives to be added..

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